Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-01-14 House Journal

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1994-01-14                     House Journal                      Page 2072
HB 378                                                                       
HOUSE BILL NO. 378 by the House Rules Committee by request of                  
the Governor, entitled:                                                        
"An Act relating to the Older Alaskans Commission and staff of                
the commission; changing the name of the Older Alaskans                        
Commission to the Alaska Commission on Aging and extending                     
the termination date of the commission; relating to the Alaska                 
Pioneers' Homes Advisory Board; relating to services and                       
programs for older Alaskans; and providing for an effective date."             
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs, Health,             
Education & Social Services and Finance Committees.                            
The following fiscal note applies:                                             
	Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Administration, 1/14/94                            
The Governor's transmittal letter, dated January 14, 1994, appears             

1994-01-14                     House Journal                      Page 2073
HB 378                                                                       
"Dear Speaker Barnes:                                                          
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution, I am     
transmitting a bill relating to the Older  Alaskans Commission, the            
Alaska Pioneers' Homes Advisory Board, and certain programs and                
services for older Alaskans.                                                   
The bill changes the name of the Older Alaskans Commission to the              
Alaska Commission on Aging, decreases the number of required yearly            
commission meetings, and extends the termination date of the                   
commission.  The bill also makes changes in the allocation of                  
functions of the commission, the commission's executive director, and          
the commissioner of administration.  For example, the commission,              
with the approval of the commissioner of administration, will set              
policy for the administration of federal programs under the federal            
Older Americans Act.  The executive director, with the commissioner            
of administration's approval, will administer those programs.  The             
executive director for the commission also will be responsible for the         
formulation and presentation to the commission of the comprehensive            
statewide plan that identifies the concerns and needs of older Alaskans.       
The commission will be responsible for approving a final plan.                 
The bill also makes certain changes in the composition and duties of           
the Alaska Pioneers' Homes Advisory Board.  The board will be                  
increased from seven to eight members; the new member will be the              
chairperson of the Alaska Commission on Aging.  (Under existing law,           
the chair of the Alaska Pioneers' Homes Advisory Board is a member             
of the Older Alaskans Commission.)  The bill also decreases the                
number of board meetings that must be held during a year.                      
Additionally, the Department of Administration plans to                        
administratively establish a division of senior services to better             
coordinate services to older Alaskans.  The Alaska Commission on               
Aging and the Alaska Pioneers' Homes Advisory Board would be                   
located administratively in that new division.  The new division would         
replace the existing division of pioneers' benefits and would assume           

1994-01-14                     House Journal                      Page 2074
HB 378                                                                       
responsibility for activities currently assigned to that division, which       
include administration of the pioneers' homes and the longevity bonus          
The enactment of this bill into law, along with the administrative             
creation of the new division, will assure improved, coordinated efforts        
to address the varied problems confronting older Alaskans.                     
												Walter J. Hickel                                                   